Capital One Financial Corporation is an American bank holding company specializing in credit cards, auto loans, banking, and savings accounts, headquartered in McLean, Virginia with operations primarily in the United States. It employs about 56,000 people.

Within these reports, we use the term “family caregiver” to refer to caregivers who are not solely taking care of children. See the About section for more information.


Gold Level Benefits are the most supportive benefits for employees who are also family caregivers. They are benefits that are specifically targeted to family caregivers. Deeper descriptions of benefits can be found in the Benefits section.

Structured support & fellowship groups for family caregivers: Through the &Family Business Resource Group (see below), Elaine Sanchez of runs a structured support group for Capital One employees who are family caregivers.

Employee resource group for caregivers: Capital One calls its employee resource groups Business Resource Groups (BRG.) It has a BRG called &Family that supports both parents and other family caregivers.

Paid Leave for non-childcare family caregiving: Capital One does not provide paid leave for caregiving. See Bronze-Level Benefits for Childcare Leave.

Management training designed to encourage discussions about family caregiving: No evidence that Capital One provides training for management for this purpose.

Direct financial support for non-parental family caregiving: Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account uses pre-tax dollars contributed by employees for adult day care expenses. Capital One matches the first $500 contributed.

Concierge services inclusive of non-parental family caregivers: Capital One covers annual fee for Bright Horizons’ programs to help find qualified caregivers. Capital One’s employee assistance program can address eldercare concerns and help in finding care.

Back-up care services available for non-parental family caregiving: Up to 15 days of back-up care includes adult care options, not just child care.


Silver Level Benefits are supportive of family caregivers, but they may be collateral in nature. In other words, these may be benefits targeted to parents or others, but still helpful to other family caregivers.

Paid Time Off: Depending on experience, non-exempt employees can get 120 to 240 hours of PTO each year. Exempt employees may use vacation time.

Vacation: 80 to 160 hours of annual vacation, based on exempt employee experience.

Unpaid leave for family caregiving (beyond that provided by FMLA): None listed.

Sabbaticals available: None listed. 

Employee resource groups that can include family caregivers: The CapAbilities Business Resource Group includes caregivers of people with disabilities.

Returnships support employees returning from a leave: None listed.

Flexible work possibilities, telecommute and work from home options: Capital One has some fully remote positions. Hybrid workers come to the offices only on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays; Mondays and Fridays are at-home work days. 

Employee assistance programs provide free counseling: Free counseling via phone, virtual or face-to-face. 

Educational resources about family caregiving available: These are likely available through the partnership with Bright Horizons. As mentioned in Gold-Level Benefits, members of Capital One’s &Family resource group have access to’s support group, which includes educational material.

Dependent care flexible spending account: See Gold Level Benefits > Direct Financial Support…


Bronze Level Benefits  either hold potential to be supportive of employee family caregivers or they simply show that the company has the potential to be supportive. 

Paid parental leave (for parents only): 18 weeks for new mothers, 8 weeks for all other parents.

Other parenting-only benefits: Adoption and surrogacy benefits provide up to $35,000 per child. College coaching services. Fertility specialists. Company provides service to ship breast milk from traveling mothers home to baby.

Other crossover benefits. Back up care listed in Gold Level above also applies to childcare. Same with the concierge services (finding caregivers.)

Existence of other employee resource groups: In addition to &Family and CapAbilities BRG’s, Capital One has the following employee resource groups: Empowher (women,) Origins (Asian,) Salute (veterans,) Hola (Hispanic,) OutFront (LGBTQ+) and Voices (Black.) Capital One also has BRG’s to address inequities in Tech. These groups address Blacks in Tech, Women in Tech and Hispanics in Tech. A group called Equality Allies supports the three tech groups.  

Key To Benefit Types

What Employees Are Saying About Family Caregiver Benefits and Inclusion at Capital One

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The &Family Resource Group at Capital One

About Business Resource Groups at Capital One

2024 Benefits Guide for Capital One Employees (pdf)

Hybrid Work Model at Capital One

Capital One at U.S. News (support group for Capital One employees)

Capital One Benefits at


3 responses to “Capital One”

  1. Yes, Trisha, we believe the problem of working caregivers is large enough to warrant specific benefits above and beyond general perks like vacatioon days. Put simply, family caregivers deserve vacation days beyond other benefits specific to caregiving. New parents get time off to care for the newborn AND they get heir usual vacation time.

  2. Thanks for discussing.

  3. Do you think it’s important for benefits to be specifically targeted to caregivers? For example, it looks like capital one has a pretty generous vacation policy that would apply to anyone, including caregivers.

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