Carlos Olivas on Still Here…
Carlos Olivas is a dedicated caregiver who moved back to his childhood home in Sacramento, California, to provide full-time care for his father after his Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis. Carlos has become an advocate for caregiving, sharing his experiences and supporting others in similar situations. He has also helped his father rekindle a love for art, sharing…
Family Medical Leave Act Available for Caregivers
The US Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) can be applied to family caregivers.
S+P Global Report: Working while caregiving. It’s complicated
May 2024 report presents problem and solutions for working family caregivers.
Supporting Family Caregivers in STEMM: A Call to Action
Detailed repot about issues related to family caregiving in fields of science, technology, engineering, math and medicine.
Full Summary of National Academies Two Symposia on Family Caregiving Challenges
Download a summary of the two symposia about family caregiving conducted by the National Academies.
Outlining the Challenges Facing Caregivers in STEMM
The first video from the National Academies’ project about family caregivers working in the sciences, engineering and medicine.
Understanding the Federal and State Policy Landscape for Caregiving
Video presentation by National Academies about federal and state policies related to family caregiving.
Organizational Policies Supporting Caregivers in STEMM
The third video session from the National Academies symposia is about organizational policies.
Day Two of the National Symposium on Supporting Family Caregivers Working in Science, Engineering, and Medicine
Long video covers two topics: Research on Different Types of Caregivers and Federal Responses to Address Caregiving.
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