
Here at Support For Caregivers Network, we have classified benefits into four main types.

Time & Money

The first type of benefit is time. Perhaps it would more thoroughly be named Time and Money. But what is time to a worker, but another iteration of money?

The time/money equation for caregivers is pretty simple: time spent providing unpaid care to a family member equals less money. This could manifest as reduced work hours, leave (paid or unpaid), shorter days and remote work.

For the employee caregiver, the loss of work combined with the extra costs of caregiving can present problems in the short term. In the longer term, loss of earning, often during the prime earning years, can diminish retirement savings.

We’ll start our deeper dive into Time-Based benefits with the benefits available to most Americans, the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA.)

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Help & Support

The second type of benefit is help…


Learning refers to educational benefits that offered to employees individually. They may watch a video, access an online portal or read a book.

Fellowship & Sharing

Fellowship & Sharing benefits are experienced together, often among employees from the same company.