Matt Stagner: The Caregiver Crisis: Expense Or Opportunity?

Matt Stagner presents information about employees who are family caregivers.

The Caregiver Crisis: Expense Or Opportunity? – a DisruptHR talk by Matt Stagner – Sr. Special Needs Financial Consultant at Voya

DisruptHR Des Moines 3.0 – November 7, 2019 in Des Moines, IA #DisruptHRDSM

He begins by aligning support for caregivers in the same category as support for disabled, or differently-abled, employees, but he notes that “100% of caregiver responsibilities are invisible” to the employer.

He frames caregiver employees as having a second, unpaid, 32-hour-a-week job. In fact, the job actually costs the employee money.

Mr. Stagner’s firm conducted a survey that found that the average out-of-pocket cost for caregivers (for caregiving) was $825 per month.

However, companies that embrace hiring and retaining family caregivers perform better than those who do not. So, what are the best practices?

  • Start with a culture of inclusion and open communication
  • Consider specific benefits of interest to family caregivers such as paid caregiver leave.

Mr. Stagner is a Senior Special Needs Financial Consultant at Voya.

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