Caregiving Report Public Release: Policies and Practices for Supporting Family Caregivers Working in Science, Engineering, and Medicine
by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.
NOTE: It is past April 11. We attended the event. Click the button below for our summary and links to the report itself.
Here is the summary from the site:
“An expert committee appointed by the National Academies will produce a report that will provide leaders in academia and government with evidence-based guidance on how to implement policies and programs to support the retention, re-entry, and advancement of students and professionals working in science, engineering, and medicine who have family caregiving responsibilities, such as for children and older adults.”
The summary goes on to highlight areas of focus for the report:
- Summarize published research on family caregiver topics
- Document efforts to help from institutions and government
- Conduct interviews with scientists who are family caregivers
- Focus on women of color
- Highlight promising practices
- Offer recommendations
It turns out that the committee hosted a couple of symposia that were videotaped and are now available online. Here at Support For Caregivers Network, we gathered up the info and put it in our library. Click the tag “National Academies” below to see more.
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